姓 名:毛振杰 出生年月:1991.12 职 称:博士后 学历(学位):博士研究生 岗 位:博士后 联系方式: zhenjiemao@qust.edu.cn |
一、 个人简介
毛振杰,女,中共党员。2024年06月毕业于中国海洋大学,获得博士学位。主要研究方向为海洋来源活性肽的快速挖掘及定向合成。近年来,申请人以第一作者(含共一)身份在Trends in Food Science & Technology、Food Chemistry、Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry等高水平期刊杂志发表SCI论文6篇。
二、 研究方向
1.Zhenjie Mao, Hong Jiang*, Yuanhui Zhao, Jianan Sun, Xiangzhao Mao. Sequence optimization and heterologous expression of xanthine oxidase inhibitory peptides in Escherichia coli. Food Bioscience, 2024, 62, 105080.
2.Zhenjie Mao, Hong Jiang*, Jianan Sun, Yuanhui Zhao, Xin Gao, Xiangzhao Mao. Research progress in the preparation and structure-activity relationship of bioactive peptides derived from aquatic foods. Trends in Food Science & Technology, 2024, 147: 104443.
3.Zhenjie Mao, Hong Jiang, Jianan Sun*, Xiangzhao Mao*. Virtual screening and structure optimization of xanthine oxidase inhibitory peptides from whole protein sequences of Pacific white shrimp via molecular docking. Food Chemistry, 2023, 429:136837.
4.Zhenjie Mao, Hong Jiang, Xiangzhao Mao*. Identification and anti-hyperuricemic activity of xanthine oxidase inhibitory peptides from Pacific white shrimp and Swimming crab based on molecular docking screening. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2023, 71, 3, 1620-1627.
5.Zhenjie Mao# (Co-first author), Yanmei Ren#, Qi Zhang, Shiyuan Dong*, Kaining Han, Guangxin Feng, Haohao Wu, Yuanhui Zhao. Glycated fish protein supplementation modulated gut microbiota composition and reduced inflammation but increased accumulation of advanced glycation end products in high-fat diet fed rats. Food Function, 2019, 10, 6, 3439-3451.
6.Yanmei Ren#, Zhenjie Mao# (Co-first author), Qi Zhang, Shiyuan Dong*, Fengchao Zha, Bojian Chen. Formation of advanced glycation end-products in glycation of silver carp myofibrillar protein with glucose: Relationship with its chemical indicators. International Journal of Food Science & Technology, 2022, 57, 12, 7840-7851.
1. 毛相朝,姜宏,毛振杰,广红,宋加磊. 具有黄嘌呤氧化酶抑制活性的小分子肽及其应用.