导师姓名:王硕 出生年月:1988年8月 职称: 教授 学历(学位):博士 导师类别:博士生导师、硕士生导师 行政职务:院学术委员 招生专业:生物与医药、海洋化学、轻工技术与工程 研究方向:生物进化与生态 联系方式: shuowang@qust.edu.cn |
一、 个人简介
二、 研究方向
三、 教育及工作经历
1. 2007至2011,山东师范大学,生物技术专业,获得学士学位;
2. 2011至2016,昆明理工大学,环境生物学专业,联合培养于中国科学院昆明植物研究所,获得博士学位;
3. 2017至2018,中国科学院动物研究所,助理研究员;
4. 2018至今,抚顺琥珀研究所,兼职研究员;
5. 2018至今,青岛科技大学海洋科学与生物工程学院,教授;
1. Shi WB, Huang YH, Hu SQ, Wang H, Lin QH, Zhang ZR, Shi C* & Wang S. Exploring the chloroplast genomics, comparative analysis, evolution, and phylogenetic relationships of Phylica pubescens (Rhamnaceae) in the Cape Flora. South African Journal of Botany, 2024, 164: 374-385.
2. Peng Y, Shi C*, Long XX, Engel MS, Wang S*. Discovery of a new species of Eomysmauchenius from mid-Cretaceous Kachin amber (Araneae: Archaeidae). Cretaceous Research, 2024, 153: 105703.
3. Long XX, Peng Y, Zhang HR, Fan Y, Shi C, Wang S*. Microlepia burmasia sp. nov., a new fern species from mid-Cretaceous Kachin amber of norther Myanmar (Dennstaedtiaceae, Polypodiales). Cretaceous Research, 2023, 143: 105417.
4. Shi WB, Song WC, Zhao YQ, Shi C*, Wang S*. Complete chloroplast genomes of four Atalantia (Rutaceae) species: insights into comparative analysis, phylogenetic relationships, and divergence time estimation. Plant Systematics and Evolution, 2023, 309(5): 31.
5. Long XX, Peng Y, Feng Q, Engel MS, Shi C*, Wang S*. A new fossil fern of the Dryopteridaceae (Polypodiales) from the mid-Cretaceous Kachin amber. Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments, 2023, 103(3): 489-494.
6. Shi WB, Hu SQ, Song WC, Huang, YH, Shi C* & Wang S*. Uncovering the first complete chloroplast genomics, comparative analysis, and phylogenetic relationships of the medicinal plants Rhamnus cathartica and Frangula alnus (Rhamnaceae). Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants, 2023, 29(6): 855-869.
7. Shi WB, Song WC, Liu J, Shi C* & Wang S*. Comparative chloroplast genome analysis of Citrus (Rutaceae) species: Insights into genomic characterization, phylogenetic relationships, and discrimination of subgenera. Scientia Horticulturae, 2023, 313: 111909.
8. Shi WB, Song WC, Chen ZM, Cai HH, Gong Q, Liu Jin, Shi C* & Wang S*. Comparative chloroplast genome analyses of diverse Phoebe (Lauraceae) species endemic to China provide insight into their phylogeographical origin. PeerJ, 2023, 12, e14293.
9. Yu YN, Gao Q, Liu ML, Li JQ, Wang S & Zhang JL*. Report on the invasive American brackish-water mussel Mytella strigata (Hanley, 1843) (Mollusca: Mytilidae) in Beibu Gulf. BioInvasions Records, 2023, 12(1): 196–207.
10. Peng Y, Jiang RX, Shi C, Song WC, Long XX, Engel MS & Wang S*. Alitrepaninae, a new subfamily of auger beetles from mid-Cretaceous Kachin amber of northern Myanmar (Coleoptera: Bostrichidae). Cretaceous Research, 2022, 137: 105244.
11. Zhang HR, Shi C, Long XX, Feng Q, Cai HH, Lü YT & Wang S*. A new fossil record of Thyrsopteridaceae (Cyatheales) from the mid-Cretaceous amber of Myanmar. Palaeoworld, 2022, 31(3): 478-484.
12. Song WC, Chen ZM, Shi WB, Han WQ, Feng Q, Shi C*, Engel MS & Wang S*. Comparative Analysis of Complete Chloroplast Genomes of Nine Species of Litsea (Lauraceae): Hypervariable Regions, Positive Selection, and Phylogenetic Relationships. Genes, 2022, 13(9): 1550.
13. Song WC, Chen ZM, He Li, Feng Q, Zhang Hongrui, Du Guilin, Shi C* & Wang S. Comparative Chloroplast Genome Analysis of Wax Gourd (Benincasa hispida) with Three Benincaseae Species, Revealing Evolutionary Dynamic Patterns and Phylogenetic Implications. Genes, 2022, 13(3): 461.
14. Peng Y, Jiang RX, Shi C, Long XX, Engel MS & Wang S*. A New Subgenus and Species of Priochirus from Mid-Cretaceous Kachin Amber (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Osoriinae). Insects, 2022, 13(6): 513.
15. Song WC, Ji CX, Chen ZM, Cai HH, Wu XM, Shi C* & Wang S*. Comparative analysis the complete chloroplast genomes of nine Musa species: Genomic Features, Comparative Analysis and Phylogenetic Implications. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2022, 13: 832884.
16. Wang S, Long XX, Zhang HR, Cai HH, Engel MS & Shi C*. A semi-aquatic fern (Marsileaceae) from the mid-Cretaceous amber of northern Myanmar. Cretaceous Research, 2022, 133: 105119.
17. Jiang RX, Shi C, Zhang, HR, Cai HH, Long XX, Wang S* & Engel MS. Comment on "Mother snail labors for posterity in bed of mid-cretaceous amber" by A. Jochum, T. Yu and T.A. Neubauer. Gondwana Research, Volume 97: 68–72. Gondwana Research, 2022, 101, 21-23.
18. Niu YF, Lu YJ, Song WC, He XY, Liu ZY, Zheng C, Wang S, Shi C* & Liu J*. Assembly and comparative analysis of the complete mitochondrial genome of three Macadamia species (M. integrifolia, M. ternifolia and M. tetraphylla). PLoS ONE, 2022, 17(5): e0263545.
19. Li Y, Wang YD*, Feldberg K, Wang S*, Shi C, Cui YM, Zhang XQ. New insights into the moss genus Vetiplanaxis with a description of V. obtusus sp. nov. from the mid-Cretaceous Kachin amber, Myanmar. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 2022, 301: 104659.
20. Shi C, Wang S*, Cai HH, Zhang HR, Long XX, Tihelka E, Song WC, Feng Q, Jiang RX, Cai CY, Lombard N, Li X, Yuan J, Zhu JP, Yang HY, Liu XF, Xiang QP, Zhao ZT, Long CL, Schneider H, Zhang XC, Peng H, Li DZ, Fan Y, Engel MS, Wang YD, Spicer RA. Fire-prone Rhamnaceae with South African affinities in Cretaceous Myanmar amber. Nature Plants, 2022, 8(2), 125-135. (封面论文)
21. Shi C, Cai HH, Jiang RX, Wang S*, Engel MS, Yuan J, Bai M, Yang D, Long CL, Zhao ZT, Zhang DX*, Zhang XC*, Peng H*, Wang YD* & Spicer RA*. Balance scientific and ethical concerns to achievea nuanced perspective on ‘blood amber.’ Nature Ecology & Evolution, 2021(5), 705-706.
22. Jiang RX, Wang S*. Syntelia sunwukong sp. nov., the oldest Synteliid beetle (Coleoptera: Histeroidea) from mid-Cretaceous Burmese amber. Cretaceous Research, 2021, 119: 104709.
23. Jiang RX, Song HT, Zhang HR & Wang S*. Burmagrilus cretacus gen. et sp. nov., the first Buprestidae from mid-Cretaceous Burmese amber. Cretaceous Research, 2021, 125: 104866.
24. Yu YL*, Leschen RAB, Ślpinski A, Ren D, Wang S & Pang H. Mesozoic Cleroidea (Coleoptera): First record of mid-Cretaceous Lophocateridae from Burmese amber and notes on the disputed genera Cervicatinius Tan & Ren (Trogossitidae) and Forticatinius Tan & Ren (Artematopodidae). Cretaceous Research, 2021, 119: 104680.
25. Jiang RX, Zhang HR, Eldredge KT, Song XB, Li YD, Tihelka E, Huang DY & Wang S*, Engel MS & Cai CY. Further evidence of Cretaceous termitophily: Description of new termite hosts of the trichopseniine Cretotrichopsenius (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae), with emendations to the classification of lower termites (Isoptera). Palaeoentomology, 2021, 004(4): 374–389.
26. Jiang RX, Li ZC, Ji QY, Engel MS & Wang S*. Three new species of the genus Hexarhopalus Fairmaire, 1891 (Coleoptera, Tenebrionidae: Cnodalonini) from China. Zootaxa, 2021, 5004(4): 587–597.
27. Jiang RX & Wang S*. Zaitzevia tangliangi sp. nov. a new riffle beetle from China (Coleoptera:Elmidae: Macronychini). Zootaxa, 2021, 5061(3): 591–596.
28. Jiang RX, Ballerio A, Liu HY & Wang S*. Description of the male of Pterorthochaetes yunnanensis Ballerio, 2014 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea: Hybosoridae: Ceratocanthinae). Zootaxa, 2021, 4950(1): 196-200.
29. Jiang RX, Zhang HR & Wang S*. A new species of the genus Apteroloma Hatch, 1927 (Coleoptera, Agyrtidae) from China. Zootaxa, 2021, 4999(5): 484–488.
30. Kakizoe S, Jiang RX, Cai HH & Wang S*. Sphaeraphodius gaohani, a new genus and species of aphodiini (coleoptera: scarabaeidae: aphodiinae) from Guangxi, China. Zootaxa, 2021, 4949(2): 333-340.
31. Jiang RX, Liu X & Wang S*. New species and new distributional record of the genus Broscosoma Rosenhauer, 1846 (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Broscinae) from China. Zootaxa, 2021, 4951(1): 137-146.
32. Jiang RX, Song HT, He XY, Engel MS & Wang S*. A new termitophilous genus and species of the tribe Amarygmini Gistel, 1848 from China (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae). Zootaxa, 2021, 5004(4): 577–586.
33. Jiang RX, Song WC, Yang HY, Shi C* & Wang S*. Discovery of the first Onthophilus species from mid-Cretaceous Burmese amber (Coleoptera: Histeridae). Cretaceous Research, 2020, 111: 104443.
34. Jiang RX, Peng Z & Wang S*. The oldest Micropeplus (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae, Micropeplinae) species from mid-Cretaceous Burmese amber. Cretaceous Research, 2020, 106: 104218.
35. Jiang RX & Wang S*. Discovery of the genus Termitodiellus Nakane, 1961 in China, with description of Termitodiellus hainanensis Jiang & Wang, new species (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Aphodiinae). Zootaxa, 2020, 4743(2): 289–294.
36. Jiang RX, Bai XL, Ren GD, Yang HY & Wang S*. A taxonomic revision of the genus Hexarhopalus (Coleoptera, Tenebrionidae: Cnodalonini) from China. Zootaxa, 2020, 4821(2): 277-304.
37. Jiang RX, Liu HY, Ślpinski A & Wang S*. Discovery of the genus Cycloxenus Arrow, 1925 (Coleoptera, Euxestidae) in mainland China, with the description of a new species. Zootaxa, 2020, 4845(4): 585-592.
38. Jiang RX, Li BY & Wang S*. Description a new species of the genus Orphnebius Motschulsky, 1858 (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Aleocharinae) from Xizang, China. Zootaxa, 2020, 4790(3): 593–599.
39. Jiang RX, Feng Q & Wang S*. Two new species of the genus Broscosoma Rosenhauer, 1846 (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Broscinae) from China. Zootaxa, 2020, 482 (1): 173-180.
40. Jiang RX, Hou JL & Wang S*. New species and notes on Chinese species of the genus Misolampidius (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae: Cnodalonini). Zootaxa, 2020, 4855(4): 593-600.
41. Jiang RX, Ballerio A, Guo L & Wang S*. Notes on the Chinese fauna of Ceratocanthinae (Coleoptera: Hybosoridae), with description of a new species of Eusphaeropeltis Gestro, 1898. Zootaxa, 2020, 4851(1): 180-188.
42. Jiang RX, Wang JS & Wang S*. Discovery of the genus Dioedus LeConte, 1862 from China, with description of a new species (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae). Zootaxa, 2020, 4860(1): 129-134.
43. Jiang RX & Wang S*. Two new species of the genus Zaitzevia Champion, 1923 from China (Coleoptera: Elmidae: Macronychini). Zootaxa, 2020, 4852(2): 231-238.
44. Jiang RX, Feng Q & Wang S*. Two new species of the genus Broscosoma Rosenhauer, 1846 (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Broscinae) from China. Zootaxa, 2020, 482(1): 173-180.
45. Jiang RX, Xu YY & Wang S*. Description of male and habitat of Haroldius turnai Král (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae). Zootaxa, 2019, 4679(3): 571–576.
46. Zhang L, Huang YM, Wang M, Guo YF, Liang J*, Yang XR, Qi WJ, Wu YJ, Si JL, Zhu SR, Li Z, Li RQ, Shi C*, Wang S, Zhang QJ, Tang ZL, Wang LX, Li K, Fei JF & Lan GQ*. Development and genome sequencing of a laboratory-inbred miniature pig facilitates study of human diabetic disease. iScience, 2019, 19: 162–176. (封面论文)
47. Tang CF, Shi C, Wang S* & Yang D*. The first report of Dolichopodidae from mid-Cretaceous amber of Northern Myanmar. Cretaceous Research, 2019, 104: 104179.
48. Jiang RX, Wang JS, Li BY, Lin YJ, Liu L & Wang S*. Discovery of termitophilous Tenebrionidae beetles (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) from China. Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae, 2019, 59(1): 341–349.
49. Jiang RX, Wang CB, Mi HX & Wang S*. Eustra yinggelingensis sp. nov., a new flanged bombardier beetle from Yinggeling Nature Reserve, Hainan, China with contribution to the knowledge of Chinese Eustra species (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Paussinae). Zootaxa, 2019, 4668(2): 271–276.
50. Jiang RX, Liu ZH & Wang S*. Fossil evidence for sexual dimorphism in Monotomidae beetles from mid-Cretaceous Burmese amber. Cretaceous Research, 2019, 102:7-11.
51. Geng YF, Hu GX, Wang S* & Xu JC*. Complete chloroplast genome of the threatened Rhoiptelea chiliantha (Juglandaceae s.l.). Conservation Genetics Resources, 2019, 11: 317-319.
52. Bai M, Beutel RG, Zhang WW, Wang S, Hornig M, Grohn C, Yan E, Yang XK& Wipfler B. A New Cretaceous Insect with a Unique Cephalo-thoracic Scissor Device. Current Biology, 2018, 28: 1-6.
53. Guo MX, Xing LD, Wang B, Zhang WW, Wang S, Shi AM & Bai M. A catalogue of Burmite inclusions. Zoological Systematics, 2017, 42(3), 249–379.
54. Qiu TF, Lu YY, Zhang WW, Wang S, Yang YX & Bai M. Electraesalopsis beuteli gen. & sp. nov., the first lucanid beetle from the Cretaceous Burmese amber (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea). Zoological Systematics, 2017, 42(3), 390–394.
55. Shi C#, Wang S#, Zhao F, Peng H & Xiang CL*. Full Chloroplast Genome Assembly of 11 Diverse Watermelon Accessions. Frontiers in Genetics, 2017, 8: 46.
56. Shi C#, Wang S#, Xia EH#, Jiang JJ, Zeng FC & Gao LZ*. Full transcription of the chloroplast genome in photosynthetic eukaryotes. Scientific Reports, 2016, 6: 30135.
57. Wang S, Shi C, Zhang YJ, Hu GX & Gao LZ*. Trading away ancient amber's secrets. Science, 2016, 351(6276): 926. (Letter)
58. Wang S & Gao LZ*. The complete chloroplast genome of an irreplaceable dietary and model crop, foxtail millet (Setaria italica). Mitochondrial DNA Part A, 2016, 27(6), 4442-4443.
59. Wang S, Gao CW & Gao LZ*. Plastid genome sequence of an ornamental and editable fruit tree of Rosaceae, Prunus mume. Mitochondrial DNA Part A, 2016, 27(6), 4407-4408.
60. Wang S & Gao LZ*. Complete chloroplast genome sequence of green foxtail (Setaria viridis), a promising model system for C4 photosynthesis. Mitochondrial DNA Part A, 2016, 27(5), 3707-3708.
61. Gao CW#, Wang S# & Gao LZ*, 2016. Mitochondrial genome of the black flying fox, Pteropus alecto (Chiroptera: Megachiroptera: Pteropodidae). Mitochondrial DNA Part A, 27(1), 52-53.
62. Ma YP & Wang S*. Mitochondrial genome of the African lion Panthera leo leo. Mitochondrial DNA, 2015, 26(6), 951-952.
63. Wang S#, Shi C# & Gao LZ*. Plastid genome sequence of a wild woody oil species, Prinsepia utilis, provides insights into evolutionary and mutational patterns of Rosaceae chloroplast genomes. PLoS ONE, 2013, 8(9), e73946.
(1)王硕, 蔡昊鸿, 施超. 一种用于琥珀定性分析的VR虚拟成像系统.
(2)蔡昊鸿, 王硕, 施超. 一种化石模型成像的轨道机构.
(3)蔡昊鸿, 王硕, 施超. 一种琥珀碎料的溶解再压设备.
(4)蔡昊鸿, 王硕, 施超. 一种琥珀碎料的熔结成型装置.
(5)立强, 王硕, 范勇, 闫循良, 单丝丝. 一种琥珀茶杯自动生产装置.
1. 科普写作:
(1)王硕, 施超, 姜日新, 殷晓峰, 蔡昊鸿, 龙晓璇, 宋维才, 吴晓萌等. 琥珀纪.生命世界, 2022, 387(1): 1-41.
(2)王硕, 施超, 韩伟琦. 琥珀之美. 生命世界, 2023, 401(3): 1-47.
(3)王硕, 韩伟琦, 蔡昊鸿. 环球少年地理, 2022, 115: 20-23.
(4)蔡昊鸿, 王硕, 韩伟琦. 环球少年地理, 2023, 125: 36-37.
(5)王硕, 韩伟琦, 蔡昊鸿. 环球少年地理, 2022, 120: 28-29.